Sara Blakely: "I knew my idea was terrific

Sara Blakely: "I knew my idea was terrific
Sara Blakely was born on February 27, 1971 in Clearwater (Florida, USA). As a little girl she sent a prayer to the universe, but to give her an idea of ​​what was needed and made other people happy. But her life was in later years in a completely different direction. Your planned career as a lawyer already failed in the entrance examination and her studies of Communication Sciences had to be earned as a cartoon character dressed in theme park Disney World. Your first real job was Sara Blakely as a shop for office products. She went from door to door, trying to fax machines and copiers for sale. Here they had many defeats and rejections plug, because most people have aversions to such sales methods.

Sara Blakely: "The people tore my business cards or could throw me out of the building. But it was the best training for life - No to listen and try to avoid it "

Sara Blakely learned quickly and did not let it get out of the indifference of the people. She reached effortlessly their sales goals and formed after a short time already even other retailers, even if this work did not make them happy. One day, the 27-year-old Sara Blakely made ready for a party when she was faced with an insoluble problem. She had nothing they could put under their fancy white pants. The tights stuck to the sultry air on her legs and also made unpleasant hot feet. Spontaneous cut Sara Blakely from the lower end of the tights when she suddenly realized that her feet were not only pleasant air, but also looked her butt in white trousers well. Since she had an idea of ​​how they could solve an ancient woman problem.

Sara Blakely: "I thought I have to figure out how to solve that. I had no experience in fashion or management "

Sara Blakely began experimenting with a figure-shaping underwear, as a raw material they used just the material of tights. The novel supporting underwear looked not only very stylish and felt excellently, but she was like a second skin and retouched away the cellulite. Sara Blakely quickly set out to patent their idea. Since she could not afford a lawyer, she read even several books on this subject and wrote the patent simply on their own. The hard work paid off and in 1998 was its firming underwear called "Spanx" protected.

Sara Blakely had now found a producer who produced her underwear, but without financial support they had no chance. The factory owners kept their idea was crazy and unusual underwear for sale. Sara Blakely fought on doggedly, they used their entire vacation to imagine the lingerie manufacturers their idea. After months of failures Sara Blakely suddenly received a call that a producer was actually willing to manufacture their underwear. Unlike most male counterparts of these manufacturers had two daughters at home, which did not kept the body shaping underwear for idiotic and completely fascinated were of this invention.
Sara Blakely: "I knew my idea was terrific. Nothing and no one was able to dissuade "

Full of enthusiasm Sara Blakely marched now in the department stores in order to offer their product. There, she dragged the mostly female staff just to the ladies room and presented them at first hand the before and after effect of their new underwear. Immediately so that they flayed impression and "Spanx" made it for the first time in the shelves of department stores. Since they had no money for advertising, she called in newspapers, magazines and TV media to promote their product. With tireless effort she sent numerous free samples, because they believed in a successful future. One day her underwear ended up with a stylist of the famous American host Oprah Winfrey. This was so excited that she unceremoniously presented these firming underwear on her show after the fitting of "Spanx". Abruptly now knew millions of people the product of Sara Blakely.

Feverish a website for "Spanx" was set up, because suddenly rose orders like crazy. More and more women were enthusiastic about this special underwear and revenues soared. Meanwhile, also wore a lot of stars in Hollywood under her tight dresses "Spanx" to make so her body appear even slimmer. In addition, sales outlets were expanded and all over the world are now able to buy this extraordinary firming underwear.

The universe had Sara Blakely sent a brainstorm, so as she had always imagined. With a firm belief in a pioneering invention she confided her feelings for an unusual idea. Sara Blakely was one of the youngest self-made billionaire in the world and inside the magazine "Time", she chose one of the 100 most important people of the world. But at the beginning there was only one woman, who was dissatisfied with the outfit for a party and was only ridiculed for their invention. However, they pursued their goal of firming underwear with such insistence that it was able to overcome all odds and became a famous businesswoman.

Sara Blakely: "I have a thousand times the word no is one, and I have a thousand times just does not belong. That was the key to success "