Sarah Litke - Rescue a girl from rape

Sarah Litke - Rescue a girl from rape

On the morning of October 16, 2013, Sarah Litke by car on the way home from her night shift as a nurse. It is still relatively dark and Sarah Litke is glad to come home soon. When she passes a deserted underpass, she sees a man on the side of the oppressed, a young girl. Sarah Litke is slower than their terror moves suddenly into the limbs. The man tried to rape the girl.

Sarah Litke immediately reacts and begins to incessantly honking. The man is startled by the loud honking and flees. The feisty Sarah Litke storms out of the car and runs on the frightened girl. Meanwhile, it has already agreed with her cell phone the police. She takes care of the completely distraught girls and soothes. The offender is no longer visible.

Sarah Litke: "She had tears in her eyes"

Instead of going home, Sarah Litke accompanied the girl to the police station yet. She comforts the victim and provides the police as a witness available. Although Sarah Litke worked all night, it takes plenty of time. It is characterized not only for the shocked girl an enormous support, but also for the police. Because due to her testimony of the perpetrators can be caught a short time later.

Every year thousands of women fall victim to a rape. Experts estimate that many crimes could be prevented would if witnesses intervene and not look the other way. Sarah Litke prevented by her courageous intervention a terrible crime. She hunts a brutal perpetrators thereof and then worries agitating about the shocked victims. A model for the people and a true heroine of everyday life. For her courage she shortly thereafter receives an award.

Sarah Litke: "Everyone can help. Even if it is just a call to the police "