To be Owned By You

To be Owned By You

Too long I buried
All these flavors you
Now I've had enough
I want you to know all ..
I first love
I first knew you
Instead Her ..
Love it should be disclosed
Love it should have
Not right let go of you
High indeed my ego
But .. I wanted to have you ..
For the sake of my love long has buried
For the sake of replacing all the sacrifices
That sweet head I do for you
You must be mine ..

Love just Let it Go
love like sea that fills part of the contents of the earth ...
give many lives ..
make people want to know ..
and each person must experience the love ..

love the sincerity ..
love is a willingness ..
love is to understand each other ..
love is beautiful if we can put it in the best place in the heart beautiful.. Make the love in your heart ..
because love as beautiful as you want

"I love you"
In all less and your blossom
In His name I begged the call you that always on my mind

I Wants
The sunset may be treated
This confusion may quickly after
because you hurt me
because you forget about me

if only still with me
and ..
if only once you're honest
I would understand all of it
but, whatever the power ..
now already

I would not have spoken greetings
My guess would be revealed
and asked never missed

Is it there your shadow?
Is it no memories
if only turn back time
my right said ..
I still want you

Love is Uncertainable
maybe I'm just too stupid to understand
I might accidentally hurt too
if I know your heart
if the opportunity came again to me

now impossible for me
even to touch your shadow, I could not
Now I'm drowning in my sorry
and this love so crowded in my chest
I know this love has not sold

but let this love I have
let love be my burden
i do not care
although inhibiting path
I know love is uncertainable